11:00 AM11:00

Mesa Redonda para la Comunidad Hispana y Latina / Hispanic & Latino Roundtable

Únase a la Mesa Redonda para la Comunidad Hispana y Latina sobre la Tricoleucemia/ Leucemia de Celulas Peludas. Nos complace invitarle a nuestra Mesa Redonda para la Comunidad Hispana y Latina sobre la Leucemia de Células Peludas (HCL), parte de nuestra serie de Mesas Redondas Comunitarias.

Estas mesas redondas son foros moderados en Zoom, diseñados para brindar apoyo entre pares a pacientes y sus familias. Cada sesión es facilitada por miembros del equipo de HCLF, nuestra junta directiva y voluntarios comprometidos con la comunidad.

Fecha: Sábado, 22 de marzo

Hora: 11:00 a. m. - 12:00 PM (hora del Este)

Ubicación: Zoom

La Mesa Redonda del Grupo Hispano y Latino de HCLF reúne a pacientes y familiares de habla hispana para compartir experiencias en español, hacer preguntas y brindar apoyo entre pares. Queremos construir un espacio seguro y confiable donde todos puedan expresarse libremente y encontrar orientación en su camino con HCL. Su voz es fundamental para fortalecer nuestra comunidad y mejorar el acceso a recursos e información. ¡Esperamos contar con su participación en esta conversación significativa!

Inscribirse >>


Join the Hispanic and Latino Community Roundtable.

We are pleased to invite you to our Hispanic and Latino Community Roundtable on Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL), part of our Community Roundtable Series. These roundtables are moderated forums on Zoom designed to provide peer-to-peer support for patients and their families. HCLF staff, board members, and dedicated volunteers facilitate each session.

Date: Saturday, March 22

Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Eastern Time

Location: Zoom

The HCLF Hispanic and Latino Group Roundtable brings together Spanish-speaking patients and families to share experiences in Spanish, ask questions, and offer peer-to-peer support. We aim to create a safe and trusted space where everyone can freely express.

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1:00 PM13:00

Webinar: Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL) Clinical Trial

Join us on April 2nd from 1:00-2:00 pm eastern (10:00-11:00 am pacific, 12:00-1:00 pm central) for a webinar exploring a clinical trial in hairy cell leukemia (HCL).

Dr. Jae Park from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center will discuss his study comparing Vemurafenib and Obinutuzumab to Cladribine and Rituximab in previously untreated HCL patients. Following his presentation, there will be moderated Q&A.

This webinar is part of the HCLF's Clinical Trials webinar series. Through this series, we hope to educate our patient network about current HCL trials, empower patients with options, and raise awareness of the impact of HCLF-funded research. Learn about this and other clinical trials on the HCLF website:

Register for this webinar >>

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12:30 PM12:30

Community Roundtable: HCL Variant

Please join us on Wednesday, April 9th, 12:30-1:30 pm Eastern (9:30-10:30 am Pacific, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Central) for an HCL Variant (HCLv) Community Roundtable.

Roundtables are moderated forums on Zoom providing peer-to-peer support for patients and their families. HCLF staff and board members facilitate these meetings. The HCL Variant roundtable is a welcoming space for people with the variant form of HCL and their network to share experiences, answer questions, and support each other. We encourage everyone impacted by HCL variant to join our community roundtable discussions.


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4:00 PM16:00

Community Roundtable: Open to Everyone

Join us on Wednesday, May 14th, 4-5 pm Eastern (1-2 pm Pacific, 2-3 pm Central) for a Community Roundtable open to everyone.

Roundtables are moderated forums on Zoom providing peer-to-peer support to patients with HCL and HCL variant and their families. These meetings are moderated by HCLF staff and volunteers.

This roundtable is for everyone impacted by HCL. It is a no-judgement space for people with HCL and their families or support network to listen and help each other. We encourage anyone affected by HCL to join our community roundtable discussions.


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12:30 PM12:30

Women's Group Roundtable

Join us on Tuesday, May 20th, 12:30-1:30 pm Eastern (9:30-10:30 am Pacific, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Central) for a Women's Group Roundtable.

This roundtable meeting will bring together women with HCL to share experiences and offer peer-to-peer support. We encourage all women from anywhere in the world to join this warm and welcoming group!


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12:30 PM12:30

Community Roundtable: HCL Variant (HCLv)

Please join us on Wednesday, June 11th, 12:30-1:30 pm Eastern (9:30-10:30 am Pacific, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Central) for an HCL Variant (HCLv) Community Roundtable.

Roundtables are moderated forums on Zoom providing peer-to-peer support for patients and their families. HCLF staff and board members facilitate these meetings.

The HCL Variant roundtable is a welcoming space for people with the variant form of HCL and their network to share experiences, answer questions, and support each other. We encourage everyone impacted by HCL variant to join our community roundtable discussions.


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12:30 PM12:30

Women's Group Roundtable

Join us on Tuesday, March 18th, 12:30-1:30 pm Eastern (9:30-10:30 am Pacific, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Central) for a Women's Group Roundtable.

This roundtable meeting will bring together women with HCL to share experiences and offer peer-to-peer support. We encourage all women from anywhere in the world to join this warm and welcoming group!


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4:00 PM16:00

Community Roundtable: Open to Everyone

Join us on Wednesday, March 12th, 4-5 pm Eastern (1-2 pm Pacific, 3-4 pm Central) for a Community Roundtable open to everyone. Roundtables are moderated forums on Zoom providing peer-to-peer support to patients with HCL and HCL variant and their families.

These meetings are moderated by HCLF staff and volunteers. This roundtable is for everyone impacted by HCL. It is a no-judgement space for people with HCL and their families or support network to listen and help each other. We encourage anyone affected by HCL to join our community roundtable discussions.


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2:00 PM14:00

Webinar: Understanding Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL)

Join us on Wednesday, March 5, from 2:00-3:00 pm eastern (11:00am-12:00pm pacific, 1:00-2:00pm central) for an educational webinar with Dr. Kerry Rogers from The Ohio State University.

Dr. Rogers will discuss HCL diagnosis and symptoms, standard therapies, and newer treatments. Following a slide presentation, there will be moderated Q&A.

This free webinar is part of the Hairy Cell Leukemia Foundation's quarterly Understanding Hairy Cell Leukemia webinar series. The Ohio State University is an HCL Center of Excellence.

Register online >>

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12:30 PM12:30

Community Roundtable: HCL Variant

Please join us on February 12th, 12:30-1:30 pm Eastern (9:30-10:30 am Pacific, 11:30 am-12:30 pm Central) for an HCL Variant (HCLv) Community Roundtable.

Roundtables are moderated forums on Zoom providing peer-to-peer support for patients and their families. HCLF staff and board members facilitate these meetings. The HCL Variant roundtable is a welcoming space for people with the variant form of HCL and their network to share experiences, answer questions, and support each other. We encourage everyone impacted by HCL variant to join our community roundtable discussions.

Register online. >>

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4:00 PM16:00

Community Roundtable: Open to Everyone

Join us on Wednesday, January 22nd, 4-5 pm Eastern (1-2 pm Pacific, 3-4 pm Central) for a Community Roundtable open to everyone.

Roundtables are moderated forums on Zoom providing peer-to-peer support to patients with HCL and HCL variant and their families. These meetings are moderated by HCLF staff and volunteers.

This roundtable is for everyone impacted by HCL. It is a no-judgement space for people with HCL and their families or support network to listen and help each other. We encourage anyone affected by HCL to join our community roundtable discussions.

Register online.

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4:00 PM16:00

HCLF Community Roundtable: Clinical Trials

This meeting is in the past.

The Clinical Trials roundtable is a welcoming space for people with HCL and their support network to learn about HCL clinical trials from other patients. During each roundtable, one or more patients who have joined trials will share their experiences and answer questions. Through these roundtables, we hope to raise awareness of opportunities to make a difference in research by participating in these trials.

We do not share recordings of community roundtables.

Learn more and register for upcoming community roundtables.

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5:00 PM17:00

HCLF Community Roundtable: Family Support

This meeting is in the past.

The HCLF does not share recordings of community roundtables in order to promote an open, welcoming space where everyone can share their stories and experiences. Stay tuned for future meetings.

What are Community Roundtables?

Roundtables are forums on Zoom providing peer-to-peer support to patients and their families. Each roundtable is moderated by HCLF staff, board members, or volunteers. We request respectful conversation and an open mind to ensure a positive environment for all participants.

Learn more about community roundtables. >>

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1:00 PM13:00

HCL Coffee Chat

This meeting is in the past.

The HCLF does not share recordings of HCL coffee chats in order to promote an open, welcoming space where everyone can share their stories and experiences. Stay tuned for future meetings.

What are HCL Coffee Chats?

HCL Coffee Chats are supportive group meetings for patients and their families. During HCL coffee chats, patients can share their stories and experiences and offer important encouragement and support to others. Coffee chats are moderated by HCLF volunteers, board members, and staff and promote respectful dialogue and connection. They do not include a slide presentation. These meetings are open to anyone, regardless of location, and are hosted on Zoom.

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1:00 PM13:00

Webinar Series: Understanding Hairy Cell Leukemia

This meeting is in the past.

The HCLF hosts a quarterly webinar during which hematologists and researchers from HCL Centers of Excellence provide an expert overview of HCL diagnosis, current treatment and clinical trials. People with HCL and their families are encouraged to register, listen and learn about this rare blood cancer and their options. These webinars are open to everyone, regardless of location.

On February 29, 2024, Dr. Tim Call from the Mayo Clinic was our guest speaker.

You can view webinar materials on our website. >>

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12:30 PM12:30

HCLF Women's Roundtable

This meeting is in the past.

The HCLF does not share recordings of community roundtables in order to promote an open, welcoming space where everyone can share their stories and experiences. Stay tuned for future meetings.

What are Community Roundtables?

Roundtables are forums on Zoom providing peer-to-peer support to patients and their families. Each roundtable is moderated by HCLF staff, board members, or volunteers. We request respectful conversation and an open mind to ensure a positive environment for all participants.

Learn more about community roundtables. >>

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